Would I date you???

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.......................Would I date you....... Idk......... would I......... Are you my type, do I even have a type?? Idk but anywayssssssssssssssssss

-------__=.....Let's find out if I the almighty me would date youuuuuu. *Insert evil laugh'8.....=__------- (This was just made for my friends so I could see what they would get)

Created by: Shandy09
  1. Whats your gender?
  2. Are you tall?
  3. What's your type?
  4. Black lives matter?
  5. Are you homophobic?
  6. Do you like hispanics?
  7. Do you like cuddles?
  8. Do you like giraffes?
  9. Your opinion on Disney movies?
  10. What's your favorite hobbie (Out of these)?
  11. Are you a cat person or dog person?
  12. Do you like Harry Potter?
  13. Anime?
  14. Minecraft?
  15. Fortnite?
  16. Roblox?

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