World War II Quiz

Do you know anything about World War II? It covers from Allies to the Holocaust! There is a lot to know, but this quiz is pretty basic. Step up and give this quiz a try. You will do just fine.

WARNING: Be prepared, this quiz is challenging. You better be ready for this! Hahaha. Only I know all of the answers. Just do this quiz, pleasseeee. You can do it, it really isn't that hard, I lied about the first part.

Created by: Kate of Decades2008
(your link here more info)
  1. Who was not involved in WWII?
  2. What was the name of the first computer?
  3. Who was the main leader of the Holocaust?
  4. Who were the Allies?
  5. Who were the Axis Powers?
  6. What got the US into the war?
  7. Who did Germany first call war on?
  8. The invasion of Allied troops onto Normandy beaches is known as...
  9. Some call World War II...
  10. The Holocaust killed about
  11. What is May 8th known as?
  12. Fascism is...

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