Workplace Movie Trivia

The office workplace environment is one that has inspired many movies, movie scenes and famous quotes. I have found quite a bit of entertainment from these movies.

So lets find out if your workplace environment has led you to any of these movies. Maybe once or several times. Are you a wokrplace movie rock star?

Created by: Alexis
  1. In the movie Office Space, what does Peter ask the occupational hypnotherapist to make him think he'd been doing all day, rather than work?
  2. Also in Office Space, how much real, actual work does Peter do?
  3. Also in the movie Baby Boom, J.C. was venting to her plumber she told him she needed 4 things: to work, people, social life and what?
  4. In the move Nine to Five, what Disney movie did Violet choose for her fantasy?
  5. What bar did Violet, Doralee and Judy go to to blow off steam from work?
  6. In the movie Working Girl, means of transportation did Tess use to get to work?
  7. Fill in the blank. When Tess told off her boss, Katherine Parker, she told her to get her what out of her sight.
  8. Why is Jerry Maguire fired from his job at SMI (Sports Management International)?
  9. "Not personal! That is my work, my sweat, and my time away from my kids! If that is not personal, I don't know what is!" What movie is this quote from?
  10. Finish this line from the movie Baby Boom. "You see I can't have a baby because I have a "

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