wizard quiz 2580

there are many wizard people, but few true wizards. wizards are afterall, quite exceptional. what is a wizard? a wizard is a extrodinary person with magical powers.

are YOU a wizard? do you have the magical powers to master a powerful wizard? until now you could only wonder. but thanks to this great and fab quiz. in just a few moments you will find out?

Created by: MEGAFLARE
  1. when you compete, your goal is to win what?
  2. whitch of these is the most powerful?
  3. what is your favourite activity?
  4. what is your favourite time of day?
  5. what is more important to you?
  6. what is your favourite animal?
  7. which school do you like best?
  8. which wand is best for you?
  9. what colour hat do you wear?
  10. what colour robe do you wear?

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