Witch Pals member are you?

This is a quiz to see what Pals member you should be besties with. And the only thing 8 need to say now is, lihbfljvjfjvhwelijfhilwjehiljhw Iejfbvk Kjvhwefiviwuefblv

Kuhgc iugwevxiugcvwki$hcikwqdkjc*qvwshivcwkskiwsgickhqwskucghcioagsdhjocgahsdkighcoiasdgfckvjgsavdjhckvsadjhvcsjkadhkjcasvdkjhcvkajdhvkjchsav$kjhchjksadhvcjkahsvdc

Created by: @derpycatz_sarah
  1. How old are you?
  2. What do you like to do in your free time?
  3. Do you have any siblings? If so how many?
  4. Do you play any instruments?
  5. Do you like being outside?
  6. Do you have a boyfriend /girlfriend?
  7. what is your favorite food?
  8. Will you follwow @derpycatz_sarah on Twitter?
  9. Do u have a crush on one of the pals?
  10. Are you a subscriber to all or most of the pals?

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Quiz topic: Witch Pals member am I?
