Witch Mlp oc are you

I will tell you witch of that I made you are mostly like now please do not get mad if you don't get the one you want I hope you do enjoy but don't get mad

There are four ponys sorry I could not add more i ran out of time but anyway I hope you get the pony you want Types: Alicorn Unicorn Pegusas Earth pony

Created by: Nancy
  1. Do you have a lot of friends?
  2. What do you do at a party?
  3. Do you have a iPod?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. How old are you
  6. Witch one is your favorite?
  7. Witch name do you like best?
  8. Witch name do you like best?
  9. What is your favorite food?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Witch Mlp oc am I