witch Friends characters

This quiz is to see who of you are the differant Friensad people and for you to find out and see who you are for fun

what Friends person are you, witch one will you be, witch one do you want to be. until this quiz you wouldnt know who you are out of the friends people

Created by: Lois Dodds
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a vegetarian
  2. Are you a vegetarian
  3. Witch out of these do you waht to be when you are older
  4. How spiritual are you
  5. Do you love animals
  6. how competitive are you
  7. Do u like cats
  8. would you ever have childre when your older
  9. Would you ever get married
  10. "this Will effect your scor" Who do you want to be

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