Wings of Fire: Your Love Life!

A while ago, my friend saw this at the top of the “new quizzes” page and dared me to make it. So… here we are.. This is a love story based off of the Wings of Fire series by Tui T. Sutherland. In this, you are a female RainWing named Lavender.

Need to fill up space, so bear with my nonsense. Falafel papaya gingerbread popsicle taco enchilada salad pizza cheeseburger tomato guacamole Doritos pancakes

Created by: TheDorkWhoWrites
  1. It's your first day at Jade Mountain. This school was founded eighteen years ago. You are a five-year-old RainWing named Lavender. You are smart, but shy.
  2. You make your way to the passageway marked 'Silver Winglet.' You enter as quietly as possible and try to avoid attention. But it doesn't work. A NightWing walks up to you. "Hey!" She says. "I'm Moonlight. Who are you?" She startled you so much that you turn several different colors before pushing your scales back to their normal green, blue, purple combination. "Hi," You say shyly. "I'm Lavender."
  3. You spot your sleeping cave and slip inside, hoping to lose Moonlight. But she just walks in behind you. "Hey, we're clawmates!" She says happily. "Can't wait to get to know you. We'll know each other so well it will be like we can... READ each other's MINDS, huh? Just kidding. I can see the future, not anything else." You nod and scramble into your hammock. You start to read.
  4. In the morning, you are awoken by the sound of gongs. Oh no, you're about to be late for class! You hurriedly wake up Moonlight and you both run off to your first class. You walk into a room that has lots of scrolls- it's probably a history class. Sunny, a prophecy dragonet, is there, and she smiles as you enter.
  5. (No matter what you chose previously) Sunny starts introductions. The IceWing goes first. "I'm Frostbite," she says. "I am the greatest dragon who ever lived. My great-grandmother was royalty, and I will change the world, you obnoxious snowflakes."
  6. The SkyWing goes next. "I'm Jasper," he says, the slightest bit shy. "I like to draw. Um... not sure what else to say. My favorite color is orange?"
  7. Moonlight goes next. "I'm Moonlight. I like being a boss, being legit, being the most amazing person alive, and pineapples. I'd say I'm pretty good at those things."
  8. The SeaWing looks up from his book. "I'm Stingray," he says. "Um. I like to read?"
  9. The class looks expectantly at you. You feel your face heating up, but reluctantly start to speak. "I'm Lavender," you say. "I like writing stories. And sometimes learning, depending on what we're studying." What else do you add?
  10. A while later, class is finally over. Where do you head?
  11. It's night now. You wander through the school, exploring the best routes to get to and fro. Suddenly, you hear a sound. It scares you, but interests you at the same time. It sounds like it's getting closer. Who do you go find?
  12. Hope you enjoyed this!

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Quiz topic: Wings of Fire: my Love Life!
