Will you survive without electricity?

This simple test will show you how long will you live when all electricity fails. I did this test on myself and I know now that I will 100% survive. But will you.....

This simple test is 10000000% right because ZYWIA WILKOWSKA tried it out. I hope you like the quiz and I even more hope you will rate this quiz great.

Created by: Zywia Wilkowska
  1. What age are you?
  2. How many hours a day do you use a computer/TV/phone and other similar stuff?
  3. Can you open tinned food using your hands?
  4. Do you know what wild plants and mushrooms you can eat?
  5. Do you know how to use farm animals?
  6. Can you use matches and cut down a tree without using electricity?
  7. Did you ever go camping?
  8. Do you ever watch wild life?
  9. coockoo
  10. Rate this quiz

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Quiz topic: Will I survive without electricity?
