Will you survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

So it is finally here. The Zombie Apocalypse! Will you get ripped to shreds in the first couple hours or are you gonna drag on to the end. Well you sure will know when you are done here

Are you a survival freak? Are you good with a gun or other weapon? If not well... Hopefully you said your prayers this morning. Some people are going to survive and some won't. Which are you?

Created by: Slayer
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are watching the news and hear stories of a growing epidemic of undead murderous corpses. What do you do
  2. What weapon would you choose in the event of the apocalypse
  3. Your position has been compromised and you are one the run. You find two people who are stocked with supplies broken down on the side of the road you...
  4. You find a very attractive girl who is in the early stages of infection but can be saved with a lot of effort.
  5. You are surrounded by ten zombies and only have four rounds. What is the best way to get out of this situation?
  6. You come across a compound rich with resources but it has been overrun with Zombies. You...
  7. What is the best bladed weapon to use in the event of a Z-day
  8. You know there is a survivor trapped in a nearby town surrounded by Zombies. You....
  9. You come across a group of survivors who offer you food and shelter but look suspicious. You...
  10. You hear a rumor of the scientist who started the plague and decide to hunt him down. Miraculously he is still alive. You...
  11. The scientist shoots himself in the head in a fit of insanity but not before throwing a Molotov Cocktail at his research. To make matters worse Zombies have broken in and are breaking through the door. You....

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Quiz topic: Will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?