Will You Survive the Zombie Apocalypes?

Zombies... We all know it's bound to happen sometimes, so why not be prepared? Test your chances of survival on this Quiz, or just take it for fun.

Unlike most other zombie quizzes, this one has been thought out long and hard by a person very interested in the subject. So if you are a zombie loving person, you will like this quiz.

Created by: Joshua Bellows

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Alright, first things first, you live in:
  2. You are watching the news and hear there are a mass number of homasides and most of the victums have been bitten by their attacker. You:
  3. Asume you have access to the following, you take:
  4. The initial panic has died down abit and you diside to move to a new location. You travel:
  5. Where is your specific destination?
  6. When are guns useful?
  7. You come across a group of survivers. You:
  8. One of your loved ones has been bitten on the hand. You:
  9. You survived the first 2 months of this endless horror, its time to think about your perminant location, but where will it be?
  10. When is a zombie outbreak most likely to occur?
  11. You are traveling and you happen upon 10 zombies, they spot you, what do you do?
  12. When defending a location, how many people would you take?
  13. When traveling, how many people do you take?

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Quiz topic: Will I Survive the Zombie Apocalypes?