Will You Survive Killer Gummy Bears

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Gummy bears have been many children's favorite treat for years. Some children enjoy ripping they're heads off, others devour it whole. But what happens when gummy bears attack?

Will you survive the killer gummy bear attack? Do you have a sharp knowledge of gummy bear homicidal tendencies? We've made this test to see who will join us as survivors after the apocalypse of gummy bears!

Created by: michaela
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are gummy bears cute?
  2. How do you properly kill a homicidal gummy bear?
  3. Would you live with a gummy bear?
  4. Why are the gummy bears angry?
  5. Would you ever marry a gummy bear?
  6. What is the most dangerous gummy bear?
  7. How do you turn a gummy bear in to a mortal?
  8. What is a gummy bears weakness?
  9. Can a gummy bear disguise its self as a human?
  10. How do you think you did?

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Quiz topic: will I Survive Killer Gummy Bears