Will you survive 24 hours wit me & my Bf James?

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This quiz is made by me and my bf James and we just started making quizez here, its our first quiz!!! Thanks for taking it if you did! We love you so mutch!

💛💙💜💚❤💗💓💕💖💞💘💌💋 we love you soo mutch guys!!! Pleas be nice and love us back!!! We love you to the moon and back guys! -Love, james and Izzy

Created by: Izzy
  1. Me: Hello and welcome to my quiz James: OUR quiz Me: fiiine!! Our quiz! Me: anyways... Ready to start?
  2. Me: ok, what is your favorit colour?
  3. Me & James: sorry for the short quiz... It was our first quiz ever so plz no hate!
  4. Me: WAIT!! fate?
  5. HAHA! GOTCHA! You like the quiz so far?
  6. Do you ship Jizzy(me & james?)
  7. Ok... Wanna play a game?
  8. Even if you said no: lets play! Truth or dare?
  9. Truth: do you have a crush on someone you dont know/ a celebrity or youtuber? Dare: kiss your crush/gf/bf
  10. I love you all that are nice and taking our quiz! We love you!!!

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Quiz topic: Will I survive 24 hours wit me & my Bf James?

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