Will you survive 2012?

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Many people think the world as we know it is destined for destruction come 2012. They believe the earth will be torn apart by raging sea, harsh winds, hellish fires, and frigid ice.

Do you have what it takes to live through this disasterous torrent? Will your luck, skill, and courage come together to pull you through this disaster and into a new human civilization that lies at the eye of the storm? Or will you, like so many others, try and fail?

Created by: Concerned

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you prepared for the end of the world?
  2. Would you say you could survive in the forest/uncivilized area by yourself?
  3. If you are in a house with a basement, a ground floor, and a top floor, a bathroom with a tub, and a pool outside, where do you go during a tornado?
  4. If you are in a house with a basement, a ground floor, and a top floor, a bathroom with a tub, and a pool outside, where do you go during a flood?
  5. You are in the building described in the last two scenrios. It is on fire, and a child is too scared to move. You are on the top floor, there is no elevator and the stairs are on fire. What do you do?
  6. You see the last cat/dog (whatever you perfer). Do you keep it as a pet as you try to survive the world?
  7. Say you survive the end of the world. There are 1,000 survivors among you. Who should lead the new civilization?
  8. Why should you try and survive the end of the world?
  9. Do you think the world will end?
  10. Will you survive 2012?

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Quiz topic: Will I survive 2012?