will you spank your kids or not

in this quiz you will find out if you will spank your kids or if you are a time out kind of person if you think spanking is bad then you will probably be a time out person

but know matter what i hope you enjoy the test and find what works for you please and answer truthfully so the answers will be correct.thanks hi!!!!!!

Created by: lilly

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. do want to have kids
  2. what age will you start spanking
  3. your 13 year old got arrested but was released what will you spank her with
  4. you are about to spank your 13 year old for being arrested how many times will you spank with the tool you just picked
  5. your 11 year old steal from a store how will you punish her
  6. you put your 8 year old in bed but they get up you
  7. you ask your 12 year old to do some chores but they don't you
  8. were you spanked as a kid
  9. did you like getting spanked
  10. did you like the test btw this has no affect on your quiz

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Quiz topic: Will I spank my kids or not