Will you live through an invation of mutant ants

I made this quiz for fun and to test myself to see I could do it, but no the less I believe you will like it and I think it will put you to the test.

this is a tough and long quiz i hope if you have the metal ability to do it good job. I want you to know what it would be like if this did happen witch it will not ever. I may do one one aliens to some time

Created by: quag

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you wake up news report of chemical spill at ant farm you...
  2. the next day reports of gaint ants 4 feet tall attack every once and a while
  3. ants invade lage citys and kill unpreparded people, and start giant ant colony
  4. ants attack your house and you are surrounded 200 to one you...
  5. ants are chasing you and your in a battle truck you go to...
  6. you have a wounded man you...
  7. ants have taken most of the nation goverment is about to take action you are holding out in a small city now what?
  8. your attack plan is?
  9. ants are mutiplying fast spreading to canada killing them cause there idiots mexico hold out the goverment plans to nuke this out you..
  10. the goverment is being hard headed so you...
  11. to end this your frist move is
  12. next move you...
  13. useing help after sending inforce ments you
  14. you have the ants cornered in there colony suronded by your army what weapon do you give them
  15. your are facing the queen one on one you have flame thrower in one hand high powered gun in anougher you attack her

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Quiz topic: Will I live through an invation of mutant ants