Wich Twilight Character R U

This is a Quiz ,which asks a series of Questions, to determine wich Twilight character you are most like .Each and every answer you give will contribute to youre final answer so be honest to get the best possible answer

Have you got The brains and cunning will power like Edward Cullen? Or Maybe you are dark and sarcastic like Bella Swan? Mabe youre someone like Jacob or Mike Take This Quiz to find out

Created by: J.K
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You spend youre spare time:
  2. Yore dream boyfriend/girlfriend would be:
  3. Youre fav snack
  4. Fav Colour
  5. Youre dream guy/girl would have what colour of eyes
  6. On A Date you would:
  7. Youre lucky number is:
  8. You sit at the lunch table where:
  9. Youre hair is:
  10. Youre fav tipe of music is:

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