Wich pikmin monster are you

There are lots of people but not to many will do this quiz to find out wich of these four memorible monsters acording to me even if you don't know what pikmin is I think you should still try it.

Wich of these are you you will find out by taking this quiz do you want to be a evil balloon or a yellow frog or a digging bird or maybe a bug? Or maybe not.

Created by: Dimecreep
  1. Witch is your fave element out of these
  2. Attack strategy
  3. Do you want to be a balloon?
  4. In the air or under ground
  5. Animal
  6. Do you like twilight river.
  7. Do you like snow
  8. Do you like bugs
  9. Do you want to eat pikmin?
  10. Do youwant to be a frog?

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Quiz topic: Wich pikmin monster am I