wich dream guardian are you?

Did you watch rise of the guardians? Who would you be ? Tooth,jack,santa,bunny or sandy? Would the moon make you like jack? Wold you be Santa,tooth,sandy or bunny instead?

This quiz is made to find out who you really are in the guardians,ice guard,or christmas guard?easter guard,or memory guard?if you wanna find out which one you are really,take my quiz.

Created by: steve
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which power would you like to have?
  2. Which colour do you like most?
  3. Which season do you like most?
  4. Which element do you like most
  5. Your favourite days?
  6. Do you like it when your teeth fall?
  7. Do you like bunnies?
  8. Do you like creativity?
  9. Which one would you be?
  10. Finally,are you a fan of jelsa?(please be honest if you don't know what is jelsa)

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Quiz topic: Wich dream guardian am I?