Whose your band bf

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Soooo hey fangirls/fanmans! This is my first quiz and it kind if sucks but tell me what you think by leaving me a comment y questions aren't good cause it's harder than it looks! Anyways enjoy!

FIND OUT WHO YO BF ISSSSSSS!!!! Yeah FANGIRLS I'm talking to you whose your hubby? Jack, Alex, kellin, austin, oli, vic, or jaime? Well find out! Lol my quiz sucks

Created by: Bri
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you mind if your bf is in a bromance?
  2. Eye color
  3. Fav song?
  4. Would you rather have a song dedicated to you or written about you?
  5. Dye your hair with your bf?
  6. Tattoo a picture if your bf somewhere?
  7. Alternative? Or heavy?
  8. Favorite band?
  9. Fav song lyrics
  10. What's your fav color?

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Quiz topic: Whose my band bf