Who’s your secret santa(Dork Diaries, by Emberflower)?

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Do you like Dork Diaries? Do you like Christmas? Do you like Secret Santa’s? If you said yes to the above questions, take this quiz! This will determine your secret Santa!

Your options are: Zoey, Brandon, Mackenzie, Chloe, or Nikki! This quiz is also on the website dorkdiaries.com, so make sure to check that website out for more fun and games of Dork Diaries!

Created by: Emberflower
  1. I always have holiday SNACK ATTACKS! So, my Secret Santa should bring me this SWEET TREAT!...
  2. BRRRRRR! It's FREEZING outside! My Secret Santa knows to get me something COZY and WARM to wear like...
  3. My Secret Santa knows the PERFECT gift for ME will be in my FAVORITE COLOR!...
  4. Good things come in SMALL packages! My Secret Santa knows I would absolutely LOVE a GIFT CARD from...
  5. Music is always a very important part of the holidays! If my Secret Santa shows up on my doorstep to sing MY favorite CHRISTMAS CAROL, it'll be...
  6. One of the best things about the holidays is having FUN hanging out with BFFs. Even if it's just on ZOOM! My Secret Santa needs to know that I’m totally KA-RAY-ZEE about…
  7. What is your fav winter activity, out of these?
  8. During the holidays, I LOVE having MOVIE NIGHTS at home! If my Secret Santa gave me one of my FAV holiday movies, it would definitely be..
  9. Your secret Santa is….
  10. Hi!

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Quiz topic: Who’s my secret santa(Dork Diaries, by Emberflower)?