who's your inuyasha boy

did you ever wonder what inuyasha guy you would end up with.well take my quiz and find out.there are 6 guys and there wating. please take this quiz and see you your boyfriend is it could be inuyasha, or sessomsru well you got to find out

if you dont like what guy you got take it again thats what i do. many people can wonder who the get but please find out for yourself. it is lots of fun.in just a few minutes you can see who you go on a date with

Created by: emily
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your favorite charater
  2. whats your favorite color
  3. how does he act
  4. were does he take you on your first date with him
  5. what animal would he be
  6. he gives you a present what is it
  7. what is his mood color
  8. would he cheat
  9. who do you think you got
  10. are you exited

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Quiz topic: Who's my inuyasha boy