Who's Your Boo ??

Do You want to find out what type of person u want to be with or date well click this quiz and find out? It won't take long only 10 questions no matter how old u are.

Here's the perfect quiz for u to find out who's your boo just answer the questions to find out for girls or boys.Of all ages i'm fasho this quiz will work but be honest .

Created by: Noelle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Where would U want to go on a date ?
  2. How does date act ?
  3. how does your date dress ?
  4. On your date what would you or your date get ?
  5. What type of body does your dater have ?
  6. What type of lips does your dater have ?
  7. Rate your dater's kisses
  8. How much does your date eat ?
  9. How does your date smell ?
  10. What type of flavor is your date ?

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Quiz topic: Who's my Boo ??