Who Knows Me Best???

Okay Well, i made this quiz because i was bored one day...I wanted to see how much my friends knew about me.Im always around them but i never knew if they really knew if they payed attention to my interests and stuff. Hmmm what else can i say...i guess nothing...lol..so ya thats pretty much it.

Are you a genious? Do you know all about me? Maybe even more than i know about myself?...lol...well take the quiz and see how you do..Dont worry i wont be mad if you score low...maybe just a little sad...but hey...no tears flowing..lol..k well take this quiz to see how much you really know about me ...Thanks Bye.

Created by: Leslie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is My middle name?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. What do people love more when it comes to my physical features?
  4. What is my favorite makeup product?
  5. What am i most likely shy of showing?
  6. How many brothers and sisters do i have?
  7. What do i like to do when im bored?
  8. What is my shoe size?
  9. What song from below do u think i would pick?
  10. How many years did it take me to graduate?..hahahhahahahahahah

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