Who in my group are you most like?

I have changed the names of my friends for privacy reasons. But take this quiz to see which of my friends you are most like! Read the next paragraph!!

Please take this quiz, and then comment on what you liked about the quiz and what I could do to make my future quizzes better. Also comment quiz suggestions.

Created by: Floss5
  1. Are you more of an indoor person or an outdoor person?
  2. Do you like anime?
  3. Do you like cooking?
  4. How musical would you say you are?
  5. What continent were you born in?
  6. How would you rate your opinion of yourself?
  7. What's your favourite sport?
  8. What do you want to be when your older (For kids, if you are an adult say the closest thing to what your profession is)
  9. How often do you swear?
  10. Do you tell funny jokes? (Answer honestly)
  11. Have you been depressed before?
  12. How crazy do you think you are?
  13. Finally, what three words describe you best out of these?

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Quiz topic: Who in my group am I most like?