WHO ARE YOU (REALLY) Girls Only Ages 11-16?

Do you know who you really are? I think not take this very meaningful quiz I made this because I don't even know who I am really. My bestfriends always like your silly your crazy like who am I?

You are you that's who you are. You find out along the way you can only be you. Everybody else is already taken. Even if you want to be somebody else, don't because it takes too much effort just be you!!!

Created by: emmalee
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who's your favorite superhero?
  2. Favorite colour
  3. If you could changer your name wht would it be.
  4. Do you get bullied?
  5. Are you going to like this?
  6. Are you going to like this?
  7. Do you like babys?
  8. What's your favorite song?
  9. Whos your idol with boys?
  10. Whos your celbrity crush?
  11. Whos your girl crush?

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Quiz topic: WHO am I (REALLY) Girls Only Ages 11-16? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Personality Quiz category.