Who are you most like

There are four possible outcomes from taking this quiz. I hope it's a good one but I very much doubt that it is, it would be good if at least one person enjoys it.

Take this quiz and answer these questions if you want to find out who you're most like. I think there are about ten questions, I'm not sure actually, oh well.

Created by: c. van der stift of {interiors}
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I'm best at...
  2. If I saw my friend having an argument with another girl - someone I didn't know that well - I would...
  3. Behind closed doors you are...
  4. What kind of pupil are you?
  5. Would you say you were...
  6. How often are you hyper?
  7. What do people think of you?
  8. I'm not above...
  9. If I'm in serious, serious trouble I...
  10. I am loved by my friends because....

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Quiz topic: Who am I most like