Who are you inside?

Some people might call you names, right? You might call other people names, right? That doesn't really mean you ARE a meanie does it? Just because you like to act weird doesn't mean you ARE weird does it?

Take this quiz to see who you are inside! Are you horrible? Loving? This quiz will tell you! Or you could just take it for the fun of it! Yeah! Thats a BRILLIANT idea huh? Or if your bored and stuff take this quiz and so on...

Created by: Rrayray

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are at school and someone comes up to you and says your idiotic and ugly. You...
  2. You see an old lady on the street fall over. You...
  3. Your in a cinema and someone ACCIDENTLY knocks your drink all over your newest clothing. You...
  4. Your friend phones up and blames you for her shoes being stolen. You get in an arguement. What do you do in the middle of it?
  5. You see a cool new top that you want to buy. You put it on the table so you can look at it properly. When your not looking someone takes it without realiseing you had it. You...
  6. Where would you most like to be now?
  7. Are you bored of taking this quiz?
  8. You get a bad grade in maths.Actually the worst ever... its a Z------! You...
  9. You wanted to go to the beach with your friends but its pouring with rain! What do you do?
  10. How excited are you about seeing your final results!
  11. And FINALLY...

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Quiz topic: Who am I inside?