who are you in super mario?

There are ALOT of Nintendo fans out there and as much Mario fans out there probaly too! but which one are you? did you fully find out? will this answer not convince you enough?

are you one of these characters %100? Brave... Timid... Polite... or Evil? are you %100 sure that you are one of these and not like Toad or yoshi? (because they're not in this quiz)

Created by: jas_anton
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, what are you're two favorite colours?
  2. Next, what would your power be?
  3. What is your personality?
  4. What would you be known as?
  5. which nickname would you like most?
  6. what would be your machine?/Server
  7. What is your species?
  8. What would your outfit be?
  9. Do you like Moustaches?
  10. Last but not least, what is your enemy?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in super mario?