Who are you from Matched? (SPOILERS FOR THIRD BOOK)

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Who will you be if you were in Matched? Optimal Results at the end! make sure to only take this quiz if you have read all three books and know what happens.

Possible Optimal Results: Cassia, Ky, Xander, Officer/Official, The Rising, The Pilot. I Wish You Optimal Results on this quiz.(no i am not an official)

Created by: P4ND4_L0V3R
  1. If you were in a hospital, what would you be doing?
  2. if you were in the Society, what would your Position be?
  3. if you only had two choices to make, if you could a) stay in the Society or b) go to the Rising, where would you go?
  4. A Museum Worker asks you 'would you like to hear the glorious history of the Oria Province?' what do you respond with?
  5. you're at a Match Banquet, why are you there and what are you doing? what do you wear?
  6. What do you do during your Recreational Hours?
  7. you take a red tablet. what happens?
  8. a sickness is spreading through the Society and the Society is falling. what do you do?
  9. you are at a Decoy camp. what do you do there?
  10. did you like this Quiz? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Who am I from Matched? (SPOILERS FOR THIRD BOOK)
