who am i quiz !

this is a quiz to help you find out who you are what people think of you and help you find out who you are this is also to help you with your future .

who are you ? do people like you ? are you a good person ? do you think your a loser take this quiz to see who the f you really truly are !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: wes
  1. do you like hanging put with people?
  2. when your in a class room are you first to speak ?
  3. do you like too draw ?
  4. your taking a test and some one needs help you
  5. what best describes you ?
  6. whats your favorite thing to do out of these ?
  7. what is your favorite color out of these ?
  8. chose one
  9. what do you listen to ?
  10. what do you think your meant to do ?
  11. are people are happy around you ?

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