Which youtuber are you most likley to be like?

There are a lot of youtubers, but only 5 of them star in this quiz. Which will you be by the end? Each answer you choose effects what your score will be.

Who is YOUR favorite? Whatever you choose as an answer will effect how you score and which youtuber you will learn to be.Will you be like your favorite? Thanks to this quiz, you will find out!

Created by: PinkyKitty Minecraft
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite thing to do at home?
  2. What is your favorite thing to do at work?
  3. Are you accosiated with making videos?
  4. Who is your most favorite youtuber of all?
  5. What is your favorite game series?
  6. Death.
  7. Am I quizzical?
  8. All of these questions effected your answer. Who do you think you are gonna be?
  9. This is the 2nd to last question. Why did you take this quiz? [Hint: This question is usless on the last answer]
  10. The End

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Quiz topic: Which youtuber am I most likley to be like?