Which Wwe Superstar Are You?

This Quiz will determine which Wwe superstar you are. It will ask you questions that the answers would be like a Wwe superstar's answers. So take the test. Hey what do you have to lose.

Just in case you are lazy to look at the first paragraph(which you are)here is what it said:This Quiz will determine which Wwe superstar you are. It will ask you questions that the answers would be like a Wwe superstar's answers. So take the test. Hey what do you have to lose.

Created by: rami
  1. Would you ever jump off a ladder?
  2. Have you ever been defeated?
  3. Would you ever have a theme?
  4. How would you end a match?
  5. What type of wrestler are you?
  6. How would you put your opponent through a table?
  7. Who is your favorite McMann?
  8. What is your favorite weapon?
  9. Which wrestler do you hate the most?
  10. What is your favorite type of match?

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Quiz topic: Which Wwe Superstar am I?