Which Wwe diva are you

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There are many WWE fans have you ever wondered what Diva you could be these are some of the options Nikki Bella paige Sasha banks Bayley or Alexa bliss

There are many WWE fans have you ever wondered what Diva you could be these are some of the options Nikki Bella paige Sasha banks Bayley or Alexa bliss hope you enjoy

Created by: Hollymay
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favrioute colour
  2. Favorite superstar
  3. Favorite diva out of these options
  4. Pick an animal
  5. Pick a number
  6. Whats your favorite hobby
  7. Pick a style
  8. Do like reading
  9. Do U like dogs
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz ( this won't affect your result )

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Quiz topic: Which Wwe diva am I