Which Wings of Fire SeaWing Princess are y?[Quiz Title Here]

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This quiz has three results, which are a surprise, but if you’re a Wings of Fire fan you will probably guess them easily. Be aware that this quiz CONTAINS SPOILERS for The Lost Heir and The Talons of Power. This is your warning ⚠.

If you don’t listen to the warning, I am not responsible for spoiling Wings of Fire. Also, the art is not mine, but it is AWESOME so I had to use it. I recommend reading Wings of Fire for those of you who haven’t already. Without further ado, I present the quiz!

Created by: Tsunami
  1. If you were in a battle what would you do?
  2. Animus magic?
  3. How’s life as a princess?
  4. Who’s your favorite animus? (Other than yourself if you are one)
  5. Pick a word
  6. Last Question: On a scale of 1- 10 how do you like Queen Coral?
  7. JUST KIDDING! What’s your favorite Wings of Fire book?
  8. On a scale of 1 - 10 (for real this time) how do you like Glory? 1 being terrible and 10 being great.
  9. Pick a pet:
  10. Last Question: How was the quiz? (Yes this is actually the last question)

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