Which Warrior cat clan are you from

Me: Have you read the series warrior cats? Who`s your favorite character? Which is your favorite series? Do you think Dovewing is a Mary sue? Do You like firestar?

Firestar: Your getting off topics Me: Oops. Anyways, have you ever wondered which Clan you belong to? In this quiz, you can find out? The results are: Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan, and Windclan! I hope you enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Nightwing
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these personality traits describe you?
  2. Where would you live?
  3. Have you read warrior cats?
  4. What`s your look?
  5. Which name?
  6. What`s your favorite thing to do?
  7. How do you greet a stray?
  8. Favorite color? *Hides*
  9. RP TI Firestar: Can i handle this one? Me: Ok? Firestar: RP TIME!!! Ok. You see your leader in a battle, surrounded. She still has 5 lives. You see your mate, bleeding badly. You see speckleheart`s kits being taken. Who do you save? ((Sorry medicine cats))
  10. Sandstorm: You are a rouge cat who wants to join the clans. Which would you join? Me: Thunderclan, obviously Sand: Everyone can choose.

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Quiz topic: Which Warrior cat clan am I from You can find more quizzes like this one in our Warriors Quiz category.