Which Twilight Girl Are YOU Most Like?

Twilight has hit the hearts of many people and we all want to be a part of it. Take my quiz to uncover which twilight female character you are most like.

You can be Rosalie, Esme, Alice, Bella, or Renesmee. Every female is one of the twilight girls, find out which one you are by taking this quiz!!!

Created by: Adrienne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite chocolate?
  2. What kind of underwear do you wear?
  3. What is your favorite type of earrings?
  4. What is your favorite drink?
  5. What is your favorite store?
  6. What is your favorite restaurant?
  7. What is your favorite movie?
  8. What's your favorite brand name?
  9. What is your favorite nail polish color?
  10. What is your favorite animal?

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Quiz topic: Which Twilight Girl am I Most Like?