Which Turtle Bro Are Ya?

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Yo dudes and dudettes, here's a quiz I had in my empty brain and finally decided to do! Keep in mind it's my very first quiz, so please send me feedback in the comments!

Also, tell who you got and how you feel about it in those comments, too. Share this quiz with your friends to get this on the front page plz! Cowabunga!

Created by: Raphie
  1. Yo dudes, which turtle is your favorite?
  2. Ok, ok. Very nice. So now, of the artists here, who do you stan for?
  3. Coolio, so what's your favorite color here?
  4. Alrighty! Good answer! So...your thoughts on Mikey x April (2014,2016)?
  5. I see. Now, which film is your favorite from our trilogy so far?
  6. Noice, now, favorite food here?
  7. Ok, now questions from the brothers in green themselves: Leo: Which is your favorite thing to do here?
  8. Donnie: What was your favorite class in school?
  9. Mikey: What kinda mutant would you wanna be? :>
  10. Raph: Where would you want to live?

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