which tribute are you (74-75)

Being in the hunger games, as you may know, is an extremely hard thing. To win, you need something unique about yourself. Now, you cant be in the hunger games, but...

There are 24 tributes in each (non-quarter-quell) hunger games. See which tribute you are most like from the 74th annual hunger games. Who knows? You could even get one of the victors, Katniss Everdeen or Peeta Mellark!

Created by: Adam Berkowitz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your weapon
  2. Would you volunteer for someone?
  3. where would you be most succesful
  4. Movie Genre
  5. Favorite Colour
  6. time to choose allies. You choose someone:
  7. You have siblings?
  8. What colour is your hair
  9. freinds
  10. eye colour
  11. odds of you winning (out of 12)

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Quiz topic: Which tribute am I (74-75)