Which Thunderclan She-cat are you? "Into the Wild"

Please forgive me, I accidentally wrote that this was based on characters from "Into the wild" but it actually covers all of The Prophecies Begin sub-series. Sorry!

In this quiz you will find out which Thunderclan She-cat you are from the first sub-series. If you are a boy, don't be disappointed to find that all the possible answers are female characters.

Created by: Paula Mali
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Okay, Hi this is my first quiz. I hope you like it!
  2. What ranking are you? Please answer by age. eg. 24 under is apprentices, 24 above is warrior, medicine cat, deputy or leader.
  3. What colo(u)r fur would you like?
  4. What describes you most?
  5. Do you have a mate?
  6. Do you have kits?
  7. Do you like change?
  8. Sorry, it says only Into the Wild but it actually covers all of The Prophecies Begin.
  9. Should I make more quizzes? The next will be "Which Thunderclan tom are you?" The Prophecies Begin""
  10. I hope you like it!

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Quiz topic: Which Thunderclan She-cat am I? "Into the Wild"