Which 'That Grey Area' character are you?

That Grey Area is a young adult fantasy book I have written, currently being revised. While you wait, you can find out which of my characters you would be!

This is just a bit of fun, not to be taken too seriously. Disclaimer: some of my characters are rather unpleasant but I've tried to spin them in a positive light - I shall accept no complaints.

Created by: Soizic Le Courtois of This is the year
(your link here more info)
  1. You arrive at a party but the people you know haven't arrived. What do you do?
  2. Which job would you consider the worst?
  3. What would be your ideal holiday?
  4. Which animal would be your totem?
  5. Which book character would you be?
  6. How do you get what you want?
  7. Best evil character ever?
  8. Your biggest fear is:
  9. If you were a meal, you would be...
  10. At your funeral, people will mention...

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Quiz topic: Which 'That Grey Area' character am I?