Which simsnark.com meanie are you?

Simsnark.com is site where people make fun of people on SIM games just because they think they're stupid. Sometimes they are, but do they really deserve what they get?

So, have you ever looked through simsnark.com and wondered who you are most like? I know I have. There's a lot of things that make up a person and I tried to include the important ones.

Created by: prettyponies

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Why do you like sim_snark?
  2. Who is your favorite s_s noob?
  3. Which of the following is your favorite horse SIM?
  4. Have you posted anything recently?
  5. There is a topless girl on someone's page.
  6. Have you ever owned/managed simsnark?
  7. You find players to snark by:
  8. Which of the following do you like the least?
  9. What do you think about religion in general?
  10. How hot are you?

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Quiz topic: Which simsnark.com meanie am I?