Which shop should you go to?

There are loads of shops out there, but which one are you destined to visit? New Look, Jack Wills or Next? Have you ever wondered which one to visit?

Well, now you don't have to. After a few clicks, this quiz will tell you which one to go to and pick up some fashion from! So, what are you waiting for? Do the quiz!

Created by: Shopping Addiction World
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like buying designer clothes?
  2. Do you prefer to buy expensive clothes or cheap?
  3. Do you prefer mixed gender shops or just one gender?
  4. Do you like animal prints?
  5. Do you wear scarves/snoods?
  6. Do you like 1D?
  7. Have you ever visited New Look?
  8. Have you ever visited Jack Wills?
  9. Have you ever visited Next?
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which shop should I go to?