Which Scooby Doo Character Are You ?

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Can you prove that you are one of few that are very knowledgeable about the characters in this quiz? Do you have what it takes to be a true scooby doo team mate?

Are you a scooby doo fan ? Do you know anything about this show and the characters ? Then you're in luck because my quiz will teach you about the show and characters.

Created by: areej
  1. What could you not live without ?
  2. What is your favourite colour ?
  3. What is your favorite accessory/feature ?
  4. Where would u work ?
  5. What do u want to be ?
  6. Where would u live ?
  7. What is one of your worst nightmares?
  8. If u had to take one thing with u what would it be ?
  9. If u could forget about one thing what would it be ?
  10. What do u think of clothes ?

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Quiz topic: Which Scooby Doo Character am I ? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Scooby Doo Quiz category.