Which Pokemon are you? by Mustafa

This quiz tells you what Pokemon you are. It features classic pokemon from the original generation, so good luck

I hope you get the pokemon you like most. Do your best.

Created by: Mustafa
  1. Are you chubby or thin?
  2. Which element do you like best?
  3. How would you describe yourself?
  4. Would you like someone who was telekinetic
  5. Would you like someone who had an obsession with psychical geography?
  6. Would you like someone who could swim way better than you?
  7. Would you like someone who had a love for technology
  8. Would you like someone who was always angry?
  9. Which YouTube channel would you like best?
  10. Do you want to find out?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon am I? by Mustafa You can find more quizzes like this one in our Pokemon Games Quiz category.