Which Pocahontas character are you?

Have you ever wondered which character you are?Well now you can!In this wonderful interactive quiz,you can discover who you are in a few minutes.Look around you.

Are you a Native American?An Englishman?Or even an animal!?Well you can discover who you are in a few minutes.Wanna know?Do this interactive quiz to find out...

Created by: Rosa190

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you a...
  2. What hair color do you have?
  3. What animal are you?
  4. Whats your skin color?
  5. What would your weapon be?
  6. (Girls only)Who would you marry?
  7. (Boys only)Will you hang out with Pocahontas?
  8. Do you have a family?
  9. You're village is being invaded!What are your weapons?
  10. Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: Which Pocahontas character am I?