Which Pillar Of Character Are You? Quiz

You have heard them in schools everywhere: 'The six pillars of character are; Respect, Caring, Trustworthiness, Fairness, Responsibility, and citizenship'.

Well, do you know which one is your personal pillar? Take the test now! This test is school appropriate and students can take it any time! What is YOUR dominant pillar?

Created by: Amanda
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking down the street and see a man asking for money leaning against a building, would you give him any money?
  2. Whats your favorite book listed?
  3. Whats your favorite animal?
  4. Whats your favorite color? (Listed)
  5. Where would you be on a Friday night?
  6. How would your friends describe you?
  7. Choose a number...
  8. Choose your favorite letter(s).
  9. When I say food, what pops into your head FIRST?
  10. Whats a job you'd like? (Listed)
  11. Choose a song (listed)
  12. Choose a Disney character...
  13. Choose a type of bird
  14. Choose a football team...
  15. What's your favorite language? (or the language you want to learn)
  16. If your friend lied to you about... lets say... paying you back ten dollars he/she owes, how or what would you say to get the money.
  17. Which word is easiest to read???
  18. If someone hit you on your shoulder, how would you react? How bad would it hurt? (1=Not a feeling)(10=It hurt)
  19. What would be a great super power? (Listed)
  20. J= Jimmy, L= Logan J "Hey Logan wanna go play?" L "What? NO!" J "W-why?" L "I have stuff to do" J "What kind of stuff?!" Logan walks away... Who was being nice?
  21. Whats your best sense?
  22. Final question... whats your favorite season...
  23. BONUS! Choose a quote

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Quiz topic: Which Pillar Of Character am I? Quiz