Which one of "The 6" are you most like?

You'll never meet another group of crazy/beautiful girls this close to each other. Now that we are older we live in different places but find it easy to remain the best of friends. We love each other no matter what happens, and no matter what people say about us. We do what we want. We are loud and obnoxious.

We spend every second we can together, whether it's going out or sitting around a table drinking coffee and smoking ciggs. Nobody understand us, but we just get each other. We have our own words and even our own songs. Could YOU relate to one of "The 6"? Until now you could only wonder. But after you take this quiz you will find out!

Created by: Sandra
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What car would you most likely be found driving?
  2. What name would you choose for an animal?
  3. What type of guy would you be most likely to pursue?
  4. What would be your drink of choice?
  5. What type of career are you interested in?
  6. Your siblings are..
  7. Your mom would most like work at a..
  8. Which type of caffeine do you like best?
  9. Which is closest to your birthday?
  10. How many tattoos do you have?

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Quiz topic: Which one of "The 6" am I most like?