Which one of Thatonecat777s characters are you?

This is a quiz that tells you which one of my characters you mostly like. Rules: 1. Don't copy my characters 2. Ask permission before using them 3. Have fun!

You will answer ten (10) questions to get your answer. I have four characters. Kitty, Foxie, Luna and Bella! All of them have there own traits that make them special!

Created by: Thatonecat777
  1. Everyone has a favorite color theme! Pick an answer that matches with your favorite color theme!
  2. What is your hobby?
  3. What is your favorite animal?
  4. Out of these Pokémon, with one would you pick? If you don't like Pokémon, just click "Other" Regional forms also count even if the button doesn't say it.
  5. What gender are you?
  6. What are you?
  7. Do you lie?
  8. Do you go to school
  9. Do you make jokes about your Onn. tablet when it won't turn on.
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which one of Thatonecat777s characters am I?
