Which One Of My Friends Are You? | Comments

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  • You are super sweet, caring, and lovable. You are a really sensitive person, and sometimes you take things a little too seriously. It can sometimes be hard for you to take a joke. However, you are really nice, and you are there for people when they really need you. The people that you love are always your number one priority. You are good at hiding your feelings. It can sometimes be hard for you to express your feelings. You are a sweet person and when you love someone, you love them hard. It is often hard for you to let those who are important to you go. However, you are great at defending yourself and those you love. You are not afraid to tell others how you feel, and you definitely not afraid to stick up for those you love, or for what you believe in.

    Guy called Girl
  • You are not afraid to tell others how you feel. You have trouble telling people how you feel. Yeah, that makes sense.


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